Wednesday 11 January 2017

2017 Goals and Resolutions

Hey  guys!

After beating my winter sickness and finally getting back to the grind, I finally had time to sit down and thing about what I want to do and achieve in 2017.

2016 was a busy and important year for me. I finished school, started college, left some people behind and sort of found myself.  I grew into myself when I started college in September and finally realised I was one of those people who were born to go to college. I'm in my element and have met so many fab people that I love.

For 2017, there are so many things I want to do and cannot wait to get started on achieving some of my goals.

Blog Goals

10,000 Instagram Followers

My Instagram account (@CiaraKittyK) grew so much in 2016 and this year I hope to reach 10K. It is definitely ambitious as I am just over 3,000 followers now but I am hoping to improve my content and post my regularly to gain more follower engagement and maybe even some collaborations with brands along the way.

Stick to a Schedule

2016 was a bit all over the place with my posting schedule. I tried to stick to two posts a week but with my exams in June and settling into college, time just flew away from me. I have so many post ideas and won't be as tied up with commitments and study this year as I was last, so the plan is to make a schedule and stick to it. I'm hoping for at least a weekly post and two if time allows it.

Take Better Pictures

My pictures can really be hit or miss but this year I plan on sticking to editing and taking good quality pictures, with a camera or my phone. 

Collab with Other Bloggers

I have done collaboration posts before but would love to do more this year. It's so fun and a great way to make new blogging friends! If you're interested in collaborating, feel free to email me or comment on the post!

Life Goals

Stay Organised

Anyone who knows me, knows I'm an organised person in general. This year however, I bought a planner and am fully committed to keeping track of what I do, what I need to do and decorating it with stickers.

FINALLY Take My Theory Test

I have been saying I'll do my theory test for a good two years now and haven't gotten a chance to do it yet. I want to have it done by June at the latest and will definitely get my hands of the CD or book to start soon.

Be Happy

A very broad statement but something I really want to be this year. I am a worrier and anxiety struggles are real, but this year I want to focus on me and feeling happier overall. Whether this happens through pampering myself, spending more time with friends and family or just taking a break every now and then, I am fully committed to this goal because I think being happy is life's ultimate goal.

Travel More

I want to visit more countries this year and go on spontaneous breaks with friends. I'm kicking 2017 off by visiting London next week with a group from college and I cannot wait! I'm also hoping to go on a J1 this summer and work in a summer camp. There are so many countries and cities that I cannot wait to see and this year I'll be ticking some off my list.

Say Yes to More Opportunities

Saying 'Yes' to opportunities is a great way of meeting new people and experiencing unforgettable things. I plan on saying 'yes' to more opportunities and challenges this year because life is more fun if you don't overthink things (something I do basically always).

Exercise More and Drink Lots of Water

I do exercise regularly but I want to walk more and go to the gym on a more regular basis this year. I have some fab new workout gear and cannot wait to try it out! I drink about a litre of water a day but I want to try and drink about 2 litres a day this year so I can stay hydrated, have clearer skin and hopefully curve some snack cravings!

Some of my goals/resolutions are ambitious but I am a determined person and hope to achieve all of them this year!
What are your goals for 2017?
Let me know in the comments below!

Snapchat: Ciarakxo

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