Saturday 14 February 2015

DIY Candle Holders

So I was on pinterest the other night and I came across pictures of tin can candle holders. They were so pretty and I just had to try them out for myself!

You will need:
A tin can
A drill (or a hammer and some nails)
Paint and paint brushes
A paint palette
Paper to cover your work area
A tea light

What to do:
*Drill holes around the outside of your tin can (it can be patterned or random, like I did) using the drill. If you are uncomfortable with using a drill you can use a hammer and some nails.
*Choose your paints, mix colours if you want to!
*Using your brush, paint all over the can and allow to dry. If needed, add another coat after the first coat has dried. 
*Add designs onto your tin can if you want, I painted one to use as a stationary holder and added hearts onto it!
 *Place a tea light into each can.
*Put them around your room or wherever you want them to go, light the tea light and you're done!

I had so much fun making mine and cannot wait to show everyone my little lanterns when they come into my room!

Have you tried making anything off of Pinterest before?
How did it turn out?
Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Valentines Day everyone!


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